Stratford Town Trust is the corporate trustee of the Guild Estate and College Estate endowments.

We understand our responsibility to meet our legal and regulatory obligations.

Our policies are embedded within our work and Trustees examine the Trust’s performance against the Charity Governance Code and our own Code of Conduct. Our policies are reviewed regularly by our senior management team, the Audit and Governance Committee and the board. 


How we are governed

Stratford Town Trust is run by a small team of dedicated staff governed by eleven Trustees, all of whom must be members. They are:

  1. Five trustees elected by the membership
  2. Three trustees nominated by Stratford Town Council
  3. Three trustees co-opted by the board to provide additional skills

Trustees usually serve a four-year term from appointment, with the opportunity to stand for a further term. Governance of the charity is achieved through the following meeting structure:

  1. Board (11 trustees) - 6 meetings per year plus 1 off site strategy day
  2. Finance Investment and Property Committee (5 trustees) - 6 meetings per year
  3. Grants and Community Engagement Committee (7 trustees) - 5 meetings per year
  4. Audit and Governance Committee (3 trustees plus 2 non execs) - 4 meetings per year

In addition to the eleven Trustees, two Non-Executive Members are appointed to lead the Audit & Governance Committee in:

  • Ensuring that a sound system of internal control is maintained
  • Evaluating governance and risk management
  • Ensuring Trustees bring independent judgement to bear on issues of strategy, performance and resources including key appointments and standards of conduct
  • Ensuring that the Audit & Governance Committee remains properly constituted and effective

Any recruitment opportunities for new Trustees will be advertised.

In accordance with our Memorandum and Articles applicants must reside within the town boundary of Stratford-upon-Avon.

The Trust seeks to have a Board which is representative of the community and positively encourages applications from any suitable candidate, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, beliefs, or ethnicity.

Our Charitable Objects

These are set out in the Charity Commission Scheme (1st October 2001) 

Memorandum and Articles of Association

Stratford Town Trust is a membership charity limited to the Stratford upon Avon parish boundary. We are governed by eleven trustees who must also be members. Details about how we are governed including qualification for membership and recruitment of trustees are set out in our Memorandum and Articles of Association.

Annual Report and Accounts

Our Annual Reports and Accounts from 2019 can be found below. Earlier accounts can be found on the Charity Commission website

Our Strategy

Our strategic plan sets out our ambition for the period 2021 – 2025. You can read it here

Data Protection and Privacy Policy

The privacy and security of your personal information is extremely important to us. Our Privacy Policy explains how we protect and manage any personal data which you share with us and that we hold about you, including how we collect, process, protect and share that data.  This policy applies if you’re a supporter of the Trust (trustee, member, beneficiary, donor, volunteer, tenant, customer, employee) or use any of our services, visit our websites, email, call or write to us.


We recognise that our activities and those of our beneficiaries could have an impact on the environment in terms of use of raw materials, energy and waste. This policy (to come) explains what we are doing to minimise our environmental impact and work in a more sustainable way.

We commit to working with Investment Fund Managers who abide by our Responsible Investment Policy

Equality Diversity and Inclusion

We want Stratford Town Trust to be a diverse and inclusive organisation, accessible, welcoming and representative of the population of the UK. Policy to come.