
I could write a long blog on it, but instead I wanted to point you all towards this great report by The Grant Givers Movement (GGM).  

GGM conducted a great survey ‘to find out how those working within grantmaking organizations perceive their own power as individuals; the dynamics within grant making organisations; and most importantly  –  the  power  balance  between  grant  makers, grantee partners, and the communities we seek to serve. 

The overwhelming consensus was that there is a power imbalance in UK grant making and this needs to change. However, there are still real or perceived barriers to acting on this. 

As someone who has worked as a grantmaker for a number of years, I can wholeheartedly agree. The power imbalance that exists continues to perpetuate disadvantage in many communities. It forms a barrier to realising the aspirations of our communities. It serves little purpose away from ego. 

One of the ways we’ll do this, together, is to embrace a participatory approach to grantmaking in the future – championing and valuing lived experience in all aspects of our work.  

At the Trust, we are committed to being a funder that works in genuine partnership with the community. To work alongside you to create a society that works for everyone, regardless of background, experience, or societal barriers. Key to this is listening. We want to know what we do well, and what we can do better.  

A summary of the report can be found here, where you can also download the full report. As well as being food for thought for funders, it is also useful for the groups we fund. Tell us what you think. What resonates with you?  You can email me with your thoughts:

Take care.  

James McHugh, Grants Manager